Coaching of Desa Cinta Statistik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lembata Regency

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Coaching of Desa Cinta Statistik

Coaching of Desa Cinta Statistik

September 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Thursday [29/08], the first Desa Cantik or Desa Cinta Statistik coaching was held by the Desa Cantik team of BPS Lembata Regency coordinated by Yulianus Ronaldias, S.Tr.Stat. et al at the Dikesare Village Office, Lebatukan District. In this coaching, the Desa Cantik Team of BPS Lembata Regency taught concepts and definitions related to correct data collection according to BPS rules to village statistical agents so that a common understanding was obtained regarding village data collection. 
Through this activity, it is hoped that in the future the implementation of data collection in the village will be better and of higher quality in accordance with the concept that has been carried out by the Central Statistics Agency so far.
Let's build Lembata together for the better through coaching and statistical literacy Lembata Taan Tou.



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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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